IMABS is a system of evaluation of the musical skills according to the European standards as described in the EQF (European Qualifications Framework).
We care about music and musicians, and we wish everyone could be able to give his/her best. Our aim is to help teachers and students finding at each level of study serious and reliable programmes, as well as clear educational objectives balanced over the time along everyone’s potentialities.
Our programmes are planned to give a valid support to the music teachers’ job. They are a sort of guidelines that guarantee pupils to have a study path consistent with the right learning criteria and along with the European Union recommendations in the field of education, training and work.
Foreign students after having achieved IMABS LEVEL 9 will be able require to study at Mozart School to take exams at Lecce Conservatory.
We can help students for accomodation and other. More info at: info@imabs.it